一般社団法人 日本助産学会


General Incorporated Association Japan Academy of Midwifery

LastUpdate: 2.13.2024

The Japan Academy of Midwifery (JAM)

JAM Information Leaflet

Mission of JAM

The mission of JAM is to advance the science of midwifery in order to raise the standard of health care provided by the professional midwife to mothers, babies and the family, and women in every stage of life and to contribute to the welfare of human beings by joining in international cooperation with midwives all over the world.

Aims of JAM

  1. To improve the quality of midwifery practice worldwide through affiliation with an international organization of midwives and promotion of the international exchange between midwives
  2. To establish the standards of midwifery practice that function as the guidelines and to provide just and appropriate health care to all women
  3. To deal with fundamental issues concerning conception and childbearing and to participate in the government’s policy-making together with women so that no women shall be harmed by conception and childbearing
  4. To establish ethical standards for midwives and the role of midwives
  5. To develop midwifery science by promoting research on midwifery theory, methodology, assessment and such

History of JAM

The Japan Society of Midwifery Education (JSME), having studied issues concerning midwifery education, including the improvement of facilities, an increase in the number of teaching staff and the curriculum, concluded that the improvement of midwifery education requires the establishment of midwifery science and urged the need to set up JAM.
Another strong reason for the setting-up of JAM is the fact that the Japanese Nursing Association approved at its 1984 general meeting a proposal to unify licenses of nurses and midwives despite opposition from midwives. A growing sense of crisis for the status of midwives facilitated the foundation of JAM.
Given highly advanced medical and diversifying care issues concerning maternity and child health, there was strong consensus about the need for developing and clarifying the role and responsibility of midwives and setting up the place for the professional midwife to exchange views about midwifery in order to provide quality care.
In May 1985 all the members of the Curriculum Section of the JSME promoted JAM with the approval of the JSME general meeting. The Education System Section drew up a prospectus and a draft of the JAM Constitution.
With an inaugural general meeting and the first JAM scientific meeting scheduled for May 1986, the preparation for the establishment of JAM was pushed forward with the approval of two existing organizations, the Japanese Midwives Association, Inc. and the Japanese Association for the Education and Study of Midwifery.
On March 15, 1987, with an unexpectedly large number of 467 participants, a successful first general meeting being held at Osaka Prefectural Working Center, JAM was inaugurated.

Activities of JAM


There are two types of membership: regular and special. Obtaining membership requires admission by the Board of Management of JAM.
*Regular member: a person who is engaged in practice, research and education of midwifery.
*Special member: a person who is interested in midwifery and engaged in practice, research and education of health sciences and other fields relating to midwifery.
*JAM total membership  2,951 (as of March 2023): 2,656 regular members, 236 special members, 39 student members, 20 honor members.

Registration with the Science Council of Japan

JAM is an officially recognized research organization registered with the Science Council of Japan as of 1993.

Research Activities

  1. Holds a scientific meeting once every year in March for members and non-members.
  2. Holds a scientific lecture meeting once a year for members and non-members.
  3. Holds a workshop once a year for members.
  4. Promotes and commissions midwifery research: provides research-aid grant according to JAM regulations.

International Activities

  1. Affiliation with the International Confederation of Midwives (ICM): JAM was admitted to the ICM on May 5, 1989. JAM sends delegates to an ICM council meeting held at the time of an ICM congress and to an Asia-pacific region meeting to participate in debate on the management and activities of the ICM and the election of officials. An ICM member can participate in an ICM scientific meeting held at the time of the congress or region meeting and can apply for the presentation of research.
  2. Support of international funds: JAM raises contributions from its members for the Safe Motherhood Fund (fund for midwifery education in developing counties) and Sponsor-a-Midwife Fund (fund for sending non-member midwives in developing countries to the ICM congress).
  3. Activities concerning the International Day of Midwives: May 5 was designated as the Day of Midwives in 1991. JAM prepares posters and promotion leaflets for the Day together with the Japanese Midwives Association and the Japanese Nursing Association and distributes to persons and parties concerned, organizations that hold special events, and educational facilities for midwives.


  1. JAM issues a journal three times a year distributing to members. The journal is registered at the National Diet Library (International Standard Serial Number: 0917-6357). A record of the scientific meetings is distributed to the participants and member organizations exclusively. JAM prompts subscriptions of its journal at libraries of educational facilities of midwives.
    *Back numbers are available from the following year of issue.
    *The booklet, “Practical Skills and Responsibilities Japanese Midwives Should Have” is distributed at 200 yen.
  2. JAM publishes and distributes newsletter three times a year to its members. The newsletter is distributed free of charge to educational organizations and libraries that subscribe to the JAM journal.


Officials: 12 board members, 2 auditors, 37 council members, 2 secretaries and several committee members
Committees: Executive, General Affairs, Financial Affairs, Constitution, Public Relations, Publications, International Affairs, Scientific Meeting, Scientific Research Promotion and Education Committees

Office Hour

The headquarters of JAM is open on Friday to Monday, 10:00 a.m. through 6:00 p.m.

Eligibility for membership

  1. Must agree with JAM aims, the purpose of the foundation and the Constitution, and be able to participate in the activities.
  2. Must have research experience of two years or more and present at least one research paper on midwifery.

Membership Benefits

  1. Participation at JAM scientific meetings and presentation of scientific research
  2. Participation at meetings organized by JAM Scientific Research Promotion Committee
  3. Receiving JAM journal and newsletter
  4. Contributing to JAM journal
  5. Membership of ICM


Japan Academy of Midwifery Secretariate
1-1-1, Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
100-0003, JAPAN
TEL:81-3-6267-4550   FAX:81-3-6267-4555
